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'Acquiescence' Bring me vellum and charcoal bold Then lay awhile in tepid light Humming and winking Fresh and naked as ...

Monday, September 5, 2016

Women of Grief and Forbearance

Like a thousand million stars
Shedding a thousand million tears

Time cannot describe the issuance of pain and joy
That is born of heartfelt woman

Like concealer and confessor
Those who bears and buries

Nurtures and defies
All that is saintly and all that is vain

Comely and confounding
As a thousand million tears

Amid a thousand million prayers
All the joys and all the woes

To bring us light in the morn
And drive dark from the sepulcher

The women of grief
And forbearance

Pushing us on
Holding us close

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Oh Orlando

Oh Orlando,
how could you know,
that your city was too lovely,
for our shattered hearts,

Your gardens were too green,
but how could you know,
your castles were too fantastic,
your fountains too bombastic,
for some to share?

Oh Orlando,
how could you know
your warm nights were too majestic,
your lakes too reflective,
to instil love in all?

Oh Orlando,
can you help us to know,
your days of bright light
of glass towers and blue lakes,
are for all to see, to hear, to touch?

how could you know,
your rainbow city
would teach us all
how to heal and love?

suggested music; https://youtu.be/40Y6Luq4GNU

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

White Dragon of Death

Pull back your harsh encounter
Bring not your evil pursed lips into my face
Hold fast that icy breath 
You vast devouring scourge

Today I have turned my back
On your evil continence
Long have I relished the day
Upon which
Your evil
Would cease to pester my quiet foot
My naked face and weary eye

Today I embrace the hot
Pulsing, glaring fire of the tiny universe
Of my great ancestors, and swear
I am still here!
You have not killed me yet!
You bitter wind!
You frozen ground!
You white dragon of death!

Today I shed my outer layers
To lavish all my extremities
In the grand healing rays of Rah!
Sun god!
Giver of life!
Master of all that grows
And brings sweet smells
Of birth and regeneration

Now I shall dig and plant
Build and store
From the bounty of this great planet
And gird my measly existence against 
One more intolerable winter


Thursday, February 18, 2016

A thousand yearnings

The snow has found us once again,
Setting down it's ghostly countenance as a silent wayfarer.

Tiny flakes gather on the backs and ears of my nighttime visitors,
Long legs holding trim bellies above deep snow.

A knowing calm hides their distress,
As the night conceals a thousand yearnings, theirs and mine.

Monday, February 8, 2016

'My Serial Lover'

I say she's fat in all the right places
My best fake honesty gets me in trouble every time
She finds it sweet
But then it's too late.

She's buying me drapes and underwear
Telling me what's cute and what's disgusting
Giving me nicknames
Naming my plants, my fish, it.

Scented candles show up in strange places
Things begin to disappear, like
Pictures of my friends, my magazines,
Notes with girl's phone numbers on them.

Her fav albums shuffle to the top
Cans of designer paint start showing up
A drawer is taken over by toys
I feel like one of them.

New bedding, as it's called, appears
Yogurt now resides in my fridge
The guys stop dropping by, at the scent of
Fake honesty in the clutches of my serial lover